FAQ - Frequently asked questions

You can find your salary specification by logging in and selecting Economy --> Salaries in the menu. Select the salary(s) you wish to receive a salary specification for and click on "Download salary specification".

The date your salary is paid is shown on your salary specification, which you can find on My pages under Economy --> Salaries.

We always deduct 30% tax as standard unless you tell us otherwise. You can choose to increase the percentage deducted from your tax under your account settings.

When you work via Invoicery Business, you are covered by an insurance cover consisting of an accident and service group life insurance (TGL). You are also covered by liability insurance that protects you in the event of an accident.

As a private person, you cannot create an account with us, but then you need to be invited to an account, please contact us for questions about it.

If you are a company and wish to create an account with us, you need to get in touch with our sales team, you will find contact details here.

If you have an adjustmed taxdecision and have to pay less tax than 30%, you need to send your certificate to us at business@invoicery.com and we will adjust your tax according to the certificate.

If you want to end your employment, contact us by email or phone and we will help you further.

You can reach us either by email or phone on weekdays, excluding weekends, between 09:00 and 17:00.

Our contact details are 0771-14 10 00 / business@invoicery.com

In order for us to set aside an occupational pension, you need to activate it yourself on your pages if you go to Settings > Salaries and benefits. The lowest percentage you can choose to set aside is 4.5%, but you can also choose to set aside up to 30% of your gross salary. For more information about occupational pensions, please contact us by email or phone.

We recommend that you save holiday pay so that you have the opportunity to have a longer continuous period of rest. By enabling Save Holiday Pay under Pay and Benefits in your settings, you automatically deposit 12% of your gross salary into an account with Invoicery Business, every time we pay you a salary. Your holiday pay - net of income tax - will be paid into your account around 19 June.

You can request to have your saved vacation money paid out at any time. Contact us at Invoicery Business and we will help you.

To report sick, you send us an email at business@invoicery.com, when you are healthy, you report yourself as healthy by sending an email to the same address and letting us know this.

We handle sick pay according to the Act (1991:1047) on sick pay. As your employer, we are responsible for the first 14 days of your sick leave provided that the conditions below are met.

• Worked continuously for 14 days before the onset of illness (qualifying period).

Applies to employment for less than one month. The employments are counted together provided that the gap between two work dates is not greater than 14 days.

• Medical certificate from day 8 onwards.

• Documents proving that work was agreed upon before you fell ill, for example schedule, e-mail, SMS, time reports.

Please note that sick pay is only processed for the days and hours you would have worked via Invoicery Business.

You can work when and as much as you want, provided you follow the Working Hours Act.

It is important that you follow the Working Time Act for your own well-being and to reduce the risk of accidents. It is when we are tired and stressed that most accidents happen. The Working Hours Act states both how much you are allowed to work, as well as the exceptions that may occur in certain cases. You must, among other things, have at least 11 hours of daily rest and 36 hours of weekly rest. In some cases, you may need to work more than you usually do, then check how much you are allowed to work during "overtime" in the Work Environment Act.

Press here to read more about the Work Environment Act.

Whistleblowing means that a person with insight into a company, organization or authority informs the management that something improper is happening. The whistleblower is often (but not always) an employee or former employee.

The purpose of whistleblowing is thus to discover serious misconduct in the workplace. Some examples of misconduct in the public interest can be criminal acts, violation of human rights or generally unethical actions.

The Whistleblowing Act (2021:890) on the protection of persons who report disproportion regulates exemption from liability in the event of a breach of the duty of confidentiality. A whistleblower cannot be held liable for breach of confidentiality provided that the whistleblower has reasonable grounds to believe that the information reported is true.

The employer is prohibited from preventing or attempting to prevent reporting or, as a result of reporting, retaliating against the whistleblower or anyone else who supports the whistleblower, is connected to or a legal entity that the whistleblower owns, works for, or is otherwise connected to. The employer must also not try to prevent or take reprisals against someone who turns to a workers' organization.

Here you can find our whistleblower-policy.

If you wish to "whistleblow" on a disproportion at Frilans Finans, you can do so according to the contact details below. You will receive feedback 7 working days after we receive the case.

E-mail: visselblas@invoicerybusiness.se.


Invoicery Business AB
c/o Whistleblower (Confidential)
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 13.
752 37 Uppsala.

It is also possible to "whistleblow" externally to the responsible Swedish authority and, if applicable, to the responsible EU-organisations.

The government has decided that Swedish authorities within certain areas of responsibility must offer an opportunity for whistleblowing. Note that for a case to qualify as whistleblowing, the case must meet the same criteria of public interest misconduct and where it is reasonably believed that the information is true. Contact the relevant authority to find out more.